The war between 8 bits computers has begun. You are CPC Amstrad models and must defend from Spectrum, MSX and C64 attacks.  Place your computers at the best positions to avoid the enemies waves

Made for CPCRETRODEV 2001 contest. Tower defense game programmed in BASIC using 8BP library

First 8BP game in mode 1

How to play

Cursors left/right: Differents player positions are selected

Key 'A': Buy 464 model

Key 'S': Buy 6128 model

Key 'D': Buy Plus model

Key 'Space': The selected model is deleted


Rainbows are elements  of differents levels. Mode 1 used, colors are no exact

Author and software

Developed by 21bloques:

  • Iván Ávila

Software used:

How to run the game in a real Amstrad CPC

Load the cassette into the device, then type RUN"[ENTER] press play, then any key

How to run the game using an emulator

  • CDT file: Load the file into emulator and type RUN""[ENTER]
  • DSK file: Load the disk into emulator and type RUN"8bitwars.bas"[ENTER]


ManualEN.pdf 876 kB
ManualES.pdf 890 kB
8bitwars.cdt 63 kB
8bitwars.dsk 190 kB


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Hi Iván Ávila,
Thanks for all your CPC games. This one is really fun.
Is it possible to finish it as I can't get past level 4- wave 6?

Thank you for playing my games. In 8bit wars all levels are be able to finish, of course. I made this game years ago and don´t remember each level. Level 4 is the last one so is is the hardest....

If you have the strategy to get rid of it, I'd be very curious to know it.
I've just spent hours trying to figure it out, but it's beyond me.

I made a little cover for the game you can see here :

uuuauuuu!!! Amazing!!!!!!

great job! good and original game