En una ciudad sumida en el caos y dominada por pandillas, Álex "El Fénix" Ramírez, un exluchador callejero que había dejado atrás la violencia, se ve obligado a regresar al mundo de las peleas cuando su novia, Lucía, es secuestrada por Dante "El Rey de la Noche", el despiadado líder de la organización criminal "Los Cuervos".

Dante ha puesto un ultimátum: si Álex quiere volver a ver a Lucía con vida, debe abrirse paso a golpes a través de los distintos barrios de la ciudad. Desde barrios abandonados y alcantarillas infestadas de sicarios hasta lujosos clubes clandestinos, Álex enfrentará traiciones, pruebas de fuerza y oscuros secretos del pasado que lo atan a Dante.

Álex no tiene pistas, solo un mensaje en su teléfono:

"Si la quieres de vuelta, ven a buscarla… si te atreves."

Con cada combate, no solo se acerca más a rescatar a Lucía, sino que descubre la verdadera razón de su secuestro: Dante no la eligió al azar... sino por algo que ella sabe y que podría acabar con su imperio del crimen.

¿Podrá Álex derrotar a Los Cuervos, salvar a Lucía y desentrañar la verdad antes de que sea demasiado tarde?


DSK: Cargar el disco y escribir run"hostias.bas"

CDT: Cargar la cinta y escribir run""

In a city plunged into chaos and ruled by gangs, Álex "The Phoenix" Ramírez, a former street fighter who had left violence behind, is forced to return to the world of underground fights when his girlfriend, Lucía, is kidnapped by Dante "The King of the Night," the ruthless leader of the criminal organization "The Ravens."

Dante has issued an ultimatum: if Álex wants to see Lucía alive again, he must fight his way through the city's toughest districts. From abandoned neighborhoods and hitman-infested sewers to luxurious underground clubs, Álex will face betrayals, trials of strength, and dark secrets from the past that tie him to Dante.

Álex has no clues, only a message on his phone:

"If you want her back, come find her… if you dare."

With each fight, he not only gets closer to rescuing Lucía but also uncovers the real reason for her abduction: Dante didn’t choose her at random… but because of something she knows—something that could bring down his criminal empire.

Can Álex defeat The Ravens, save Lucía, and uncover the truth before it's too late?


DSK: Load the disk and type run"hostias.bas"

CDT: Load the tape and type run""

Published 25 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tagsamstrad, Amstrad CPC, Homebrew, Retro


hostias.dsk 199 kB
hostias.cdt 56 kB


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(1 edit)

Nice, fuzzy fighting game. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 03:19:12. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

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hi you rated Mike mech

Nice one ! Fun gameplay, great music. An easy mode or some items to get life back would have been nice.

Well done.

Life back every new level. Easy games is not for retro gamers 😉

very good


Cool game, thank you.


Excellent work, funny and professional as well!

Any chance to produce physical version, either cassette or disk? Count me in!

Thanks!  Without provision for creating a physical copy, I don´t have a real amstrad for testing real cdts or disks.

(1 edit)

Awesome beatem up game !

Thanks! Hope you enjoy it

Very nice game!

(1 edit)

Thanks!!!!  Try to hit enemies on ground, will be easier 😅