A downloadable game

En un mundo fantástico dominado por la magia, un joven elfo llamado Trasgo se embarca en una búsqueda para rescatar a su familia de una maldición ancestral. Con la habilidad de controlar la naturaleza, Trasgo debe atravesar bosques encantados, cavernas misteriosas y ruinas antiguas mientras esquiva trampas y derrota enemigos. A lo largo de su viaje, descubre antiguos cofres que le otorgan nuevas habilidades, lo que le permite enfrentarse a enemigos cada vez más poderosos. Con determinación y valentía, Trasgo se convierte en la última esperanza de su familia.


DSK: Cargar el disco y escribir run"trasgo.bas"

CDT: Cargar la cinta y escribir run""


In a fantasy world dominated by magic, a young elf named Trasgo embarks on a quest to rescue his family from an ancient curse. With the ability to control nature, Trasgo must traverse enchanted forests, mysterious caverns, and ancient ruins while avoiding traps and defeating enemies. Along his journey, he discovers ancient chests that grant him new abilities, allowing him to take on increasingly powerful enemies. With determination and bravery, Trasgo becomes his family's last hope.


DSK: Load the disk and type run"trasgo.bas"

CDT: Load the tape and type run""

Published 6 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags8, Amstrad CPC, homeb, Metroidvania, Retro


trasgo.dsk 199 kB
trasgo.cdt 66 kB


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great game I like the dark but calm atmosphere. similar gameplay to the brush brother. I think it's the same engine.

Thank you.

Not the same engine, only little parts of code are the same 😁

very good

Nice game!

Thanks! I hope you enjoy the game